Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All those photos I forgot to take

I have all these things I see throughout the day I want to post and comment on... the objects we saw (and bought) at an estate sale and how they relate to nostalgia/kitsche I have been interested in. Additionally, the sale was of things belonging to a very artsy-crafty lady who created a plethora of pastiche using the leftovers of daily life (air filters, wooden thread spools, greeting cards, toilet paper tubes, egg shells) and velvet ribbons, beads, broken jewelry. The results were these loving little objects, miniature still lifes of nostalgic, childish perfection.

But I haven't been blogging these things because I haven't photographed them. And the more blogs I see, the more apparent to me it becomes that blogs NEED photographs. Unless they are very short. Possibly made up of single sentences.

I'm also researching materials for a class project, and that has been interesting. Not to get too far into it, but I'll give you the gist: antique taxidermy.

More on all of this later. Once I have pictures.

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