Saturday, January 7, 2012

A little mushy

I tend to be a semi-private person. That might sound crazy coming from a blog, but generally, you will not hear me gush about feelings and love and hearts and tweeting lovebirds. You just won't.

But maybe that's wrong of me. Maybe a little public gushing is good for everyone involved.

This is a picture of my fiance picking a tangerine. Maybe it is a little mundane, but if you didn't grow up in citrus grooves like I did, it is completely strange, novel, and lovely. And when Sparky told me he didn't want to leave California without picking and eating a fruit he picked, well, I had to oblige.

When that didn't work, I asked my grandpa if he knew someone with a tree, which he did. Despite being a yard-tree, it was still novel and lovely.

I am amazed how, when you find the right person, everything is new again, fresh and wonderful with a coordinating outfit.

I wanted to write about what Sparky got me for Christmas. I was too caught up in holiday traveling to put the thought into dealing with Christmas that I feel like I should (such guilt!), but he did. I ran around, buying things that made me think of him with my main challenges being things he (1) could use and (2) weren't made in China. Anywhere but China. I'll have you know that those cool belt-utility tools that many men have? Most are made in China. You have to go with Swiss Army, or Leatherman (and Leatherman snuck a Made in China pouch in the box).

Meanwhile, he had ordered his gift months ahead of time, directly from China. And it was the perfect gift. Brought tears to my eyes. Any guesses what it was? I'll give you a hint.

Anyway, blah blah blah, love him so much, yadda yadda, rainbows shine when I'm with him. Sigh. So gross. ;)

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