Thursday, January 19, 2012

Retro stuff I bought in December

Aren't these espresso cups great? I don't have an espresso maker, but that hardly seems the point.

This is the new SLR I got over break. It is in beautiful condition, but I can't tell from the pictures if I like the way it shots or not. I have never used a fixed-50mm lens (I was lucky in Photo 1, to have a variable focus lens and quickly fell in love with wide-angle). It made me shoot a little differently, which I liked, and I enjoyed the things it made me look at*. Returning to color film, however, meant a return to the problems associated with film (and traveling with film). I took my film to a high-end lab for processing in California (why oh why didn't I just do it in Indiana?? Stupid holidays got in the way). I walked in and said, "Do you still process film?" (After all, it had been YEARS since I'd been there.) "Of course we do," the lady said, smiling. "We process film every Wednesday." It was Wednesday evening. "So it will be ready NEXT Wednesday." Yeah, I was leaving CA on Monday.

So I took my film to Costco. Which is always a bad idea. But I did it anyway. Twice.

The prints are weird and muddy, so I can't decide if it is the camera or Costco. The days I chose to shoot in Indiana were overcast, and it's possible a California Costco couldn't deal with those grey, flat days. I will eventually scan the film myself and see how it looks on the computer.

I did notice every 15 frames or so, the shutter would stick and black out 25-95% of 3 images in a row, then it would correct itself. It occurred to me that if I thought finding a commercial film processing lab was hard, finding a camera repair shop to fix my 1973, $25 camera would be harder. Apparently, I need to learn how to rebuild cameras myself.

*Cameras don't make you look at things. But sometimes, using a new camera makes you go out and find things you might have been ignoring.

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