Thursday, August 8, 2013

What I no longer eat

A few months back, I decided I was going to stop eating "caged meat"-- you know: mass produced, cheap, for-some-reason-not-gluten-free meat. Only free range or hunted. Fish works. Hard to cage a fish and have it live. I didn't know if I would stick to it, and I don't make a big deal out of it. At the dean's dinner, the vegetarian lasagna wasn't marked so I just guessed. If I eat it, that's ok, but I don't buy it. A few exceptions, like authentic southern BBQ. On my trip, I mostly ate fish, and often freshly caught. Before I left, we were primarily eating deer. 

This change means I can't have fast food anymore (bean and cheese burritos at Taco Bell work, but they aren't as good as Del Taco's). It's great they're offering salads now, but they are either calorie free (non-filling iceberg lettuce) or have chicken. Chipotle offers free range meat. That works. Panera's veggie sandwich is ok. Dunkin Donuts has an awesome veggie breakfast sandwich. 

Mostly, my new lifestyle works, and I feel really good eating less crap and more veggies. But sometimes I still feel hungry. So after months away, my first trip into the grocery store surprised me with several new changes, the most surprising of which was the six foot width of the meat coolers dedicated to free range and organic meat. Steaks. Pork chops. Chicken breasts. Ground beef pr chicken. I actually started to tear up as I tried to decide what to buy. And I made a huge deal about it to the clerk. So, there is my gratuitous Internet logging of what I eat. 

And yeah, I've lost ten pounds since doing this. 

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