Monday, August 10, 2009


I just took J to the airport and have settled for the night. I started a new book ("Spiral Jetta"), despite not having finished the other two I was working on. Maybe it is because of all the art I have seen in the last few days. Maybe I just wanted to read a perspective of someone more like me. In the morning, I am going to Indian Petroglyph National Monument (a much older art exhibit), right when they open, then pick up Alice and the cats and head to Santa Fe, which should be cooler for them. There, I'll see a contemporary Native American artist museum before hitting the road. Dropping off J has brought into blaring light the fact it is time to get back to work, and I can start digesting this trip. I even dreamed last night if trying to winterize the trailer. What dread that will be! So with this new ticking clock in my head, I travel fast, hoping to make Indiana by Friday night or Saturday, though still seeing as much as I can. I feel I've had to shortchange the Southwest, and will have to do it again in a cooler season.

The wind is howling, the lightning flashes silently, the blinds flutter. It's time to drive.

P.S. I have many images to load, but this Casino Resort has a funny idea of what qualifies as WiFi. A weak, intermitent signal doesn't count in my book.

Sent from my iPhone

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