Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Texas, Oklahoma

lightning strikes that made no sound as the clouds blew east to reveal the stars.

Yesterday, I drove 370 miles. That's right, 100 miles farther than my goal. I had planned to stop in Oklahoma City, but couldn't find a place I was satisfied to stay, so I went to Tulsa. I took myself out to a steak dinner (at the Lone Star restaurant-- Texas themed). I didn't stop at all in Texas, and the Cherokee tourist stops seemed lacking after the (seemingly) hundreds I have already stopped at. I did see baby donkeys and goats at those stops. That was fun. For two nights, I have slept in Walmart parking lots. You can tell I am ready to get home. Yes and no. Who wants the summer to end? But these states are hot and humid, and I know Indiana will be the same, but then I will be permanently plugged into city power and all will be well. I am getting anxious to plan my classes, to see my friends, to have some down time before all the meetings start. No one wants these things, but if they are inevitable, one wants to be prepared. Physically, mentally, emotionally. The seasons turn, the weather changes, and Alice rolls on.

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