Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1 in NYC

I'm having breakfast at a place called "Naturally Tasty." It has to be good though, since I haven't had anything for breakfast other than oatmeal and odwalla bars in weeks. Hot coffee with breakfast? That I didn't have to make myself?!

I'm staying on this wild hotel called the Gershwin. It's the kind of place I would have to live in to live in New York. It has the kind of rooms you know Diane Arbus committed suicide in, the kind of residents you know will die remaining unknown artists, but remain intent on their work and interested in their community. I like it.

I forgot my digital camera. Correction. I couldn't find my digital camera. Having hurt my back, I couldn't bring the big camera, so I am left with the cell phone camera. That hardly seems arty enough, so I bought a pink wide angle plastic film camera at the conference. If my typed entries last summer weren't laborious enough, developing film, having it burned to CD, then uploading images to my phone and emailing them to my blog should take the cake.

Sent from my iPhone

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