Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Status Quo

I wish I had something exciting to report. I think that's what makes good blogs so amazing: the author's ability to come up with interesting content 3-5 times a week, even if their lives are pretty mundane. One of my role-model bloggers has gotten pretty successful from her blog and business that has sprung up from it. I thought her blog was more interesting before she became so famous, and I think it's because she edits more. She is one of those bloggers that was fired in the early days of blogging for talking crap about her job. Since then, she has recommended against talking crap about one's job on one's blog. So I am trying to take the role model's advice.

I have been getting a lot of search results lately that lead me to Tumblr. I don't get it... is it just another blog site? Optimized for pictures? I guess that's good. I have had trouble on here loading and formatting pictures, and I wouldn't have been able to do my layout without my coding knowledge. But yet ANOTHER blog? I don't know if I could stand that.

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