Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring on the deck (don't speak too soon)

I read somewhere online that Montana is home to the coldest recorded spot in the contiguous United States, a town called Rogers Pass a scarce 300 miles from where I am typing this now. The same site also boasted you cannot guarantee a snow-free month. I suspect this has more to do with the mountains than Eastern Montana (I always thought of Billings as in the middle, but apparently there is a distinct divide between East and West... maybe like California's obsession with its North and South, despite a lack of clear boundary).

That said, it seems all the more important, when I look out the window and see blue skies and sun, that I should enjoy my breakfast on the deck.

1 comment:

  1. The Crazies. Yep, that is where the general idea of the middle is. Not the Continental Divide. Though you think that would trump the Crazies. We need to go south of the Crazies. It's freaking amazing there.
