Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Alice rises again!

I had planned to stay in MT another week or two, but circumstances have been such that I decided yesterday to move my departure date forward to tomorrow. TOMORROW!

I have had HUGE lists of things to do, like "fill a change-of-grade for this student who couldn't figure out how to turn in her paper" or "write a letter of recommendation for this student I hardly know" and "find Torah's harness" (which I still haven't found) and "test new lighting equipment". You see, I am going to Indiana for the summer. It is absolutely anti-intuitive to leave comfortable, dry-ish heat (70s-90s) for humid, hot, buggy Indiana. (Although after the TICK incident, everywhere might have bugs.) BUT, I am engaged to S and refuse to be one of those weird people that doesn't co-habitat before marriage. Besides, I'm a teacher, so I don't "WORK" in the summers, and I should go there, where he IS "working". Hmm, those last quote marks might be wrong; he really is working.

I have a whole list of projects I want to work on this summer, including a video installation, a "Made in China" boycott, a series of animated GIFs, etc. I am also preparing many video tutorials to help with my classes next year and try to make my Year 2 run more smoothly than my Year 1. Lots to do. And in S's house, I can do these things almost as well as in mine. And I can see all my friends from Wabash, who I miss terribly. I haven't found good replacements for them in Montana and this has been difficult.

ANYWAY. Keep your eyes open for the next 4-5 days for Alice updates and Twitters. It may not be much of a blog this week, as flooding is affecting so much of the Midwest. My college is currently housing over 200 evacuees from the Crow Reservation, as the creek has flooded out even the freeway (I was going to take). Most of the State Parks I am looking to camp at appear to be closed from flooding. It may be a Walmart week, which means, I will probably drive more miles a day than I usually do.


  1. Hey! It may be hot and buggy, but at least it's humid.


  2. I was hoping to have a few weeks before the humidity really sunk in, but with this flood-weather, I think not.

  3. *spoken through water-filled air*
    Humidity? Huh.
