Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Sunset

I am so happy to report all my grades are (at last) calculated and ready to upload. I am being unusually kind and waiting till morning for a few last email stragglers who are missing assignments. (They have till dawn. I mean COME ON; we already had graduation!) Even though my summer class starts on Monday, I feel elated to be released from school, however briefly. I walked through my favorite antique shop as a reward, then around my yard, which is finally showing legitimate signs of spring. I love seeing which shrubs and trees start with leaves, and which start with flowers. My bulbs are later than all the others in the neighborhood, but my first tulip is bound to look like a tulip tomorrow (yellow!).

In the process, I realized the boxes I had thrown in my strange, outdoor room had all molded (it isn't water tight), but hidden among them (after I had accidentally scared him in there yesterday) was the Baby Bunny. This bunny is so tiny, you can lose him while looking directly at him. Maybe he is the size of a hamster. I couldn't help myself, and I caught him. So soft and tiny. He was very clever and got away from me. Later, I startled him again on the porch. I don't know where my bunny from last summer went, but this SURLY must be one of his/her offspring.

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