Saturday, July 9, 2011

Adult Friday Nights

S has an unusual work schedule. Tuesday thru Saturday, starting at 11 ending at 7, except Saturday, he starts at 7 and ends at 7. No problem. Thursday night, he asked me what I wanted to do Friday night? I said, same thing as usual... have dinner, watch a show, go to bed. He's got an early morning. S, however, is the kind of man who wants a Friday night, and moving it to another night is not the same as Friday night. My annoying good sense prevails, and he grudgingly comes home for dinner.

We bar-b-que shish-kabobs and admire our garden. There are two more hilariously huge and phallic zucchini. Our small, wilting pepper plants have produced a bowl full of peppers of differing sizes, shapes, and colors (next year's chilli-cook-off's secret ingredients). We pluck leaves from our lettuce heads for salad. We pop-open cheap beers left over from the 4th of July. We play Jenga. He looks at me funny when I say, "Isn't this fun? Isn't this better than going out on an early work night?" He laughs at me. We chew our lips and stick out our tongues, concentrating on getting our tower one level higher. I'm happy.

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