Friday, August 12, 2011

Some thoughts on the Iowa State-of-the-Nation Fair

I have many thoughts... but I am super tired right now... It's a lot of work editing images, stealing WiFi, and sleeping off the freeway. But here are the highlights:

In a time when funding to art and higher education are being cut left and right, it was a fight to see the 100th annual statue of a cow, sculpted out of butter.

Bigger is still better.

This is Ron Paul. He said lots of silly things, like, "Paper money doesn't last. Only gold does." I thought I was watching one of those midnight infomercials. Plus, he said he was old several times. I couldn't figure out how that was a selling point.

This is Sarah Palin. I have no idea what the hell she is wearing. I think she is trying to be "Sarah, the fair-going-soccer-mom." Earlier, when people were wondering where she was, I overheard someone saying, "she's probably off looking for a moose."

This is Michele Bachmann. She didn't say anything, other than "let's get rid of Obama" and "I'm running for president" and "Let's repel Obama-care." Considering how many people in the audience were clearly poor, I couldn't figure out why they didn't want healthcare. If she said, "Let's SEE Obamacare," well, then I might have listened.

About that time, a man pushed through the crowd and grunted, "For a Democratic State, there sure are a lot of Republicans hanging around."

And that brings me to the finale...

Leslie Hall and the Lys sure know how to put on a show! It was fun; it was funny; there was free stuff! I will conclude here, so I can retreat to my trailer and sleep... If only Leslie were running for president...

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