Monday, August 15, 2011

Truckers as sleep mates.

The last few days, I have been unhappy with truckers. They don't shut off their engines while they sleep (seriously, how is that efficient? !); their air brakes make a terribly loud noise every time they pull in or out of a spot (which scares the cats worse than me); and they haven't been good road mates either.

Last night, after being woken by the swearing guy, the next truck came in, its loud engine running, and in my dreams I was suddenly on an airplane, the truck noise transforming into the plane. But the truck engine would cycle at different times, and when it did, the plane in my dream would turn nose to earth, and begin a death-dive. It was horrible and I was helpless. There was no use screaming. In the dream, I was trying to be calm enough to think something pleasant before I splatted. Then the plane leveled out. Until the engine idled again.

Tonight's rest stop was void of truckers the first few hours. I had a full hour of sleep before they started arriving. Strangely too, they would turn their engines off after being parked a few minutes. Peace. Then the next one would arrive, pull up, release air breaks, idle, then off. Only one or two left their engines on. But as I woke up, I realized I was blocked from view and a truck might try to park in my spot before seeing me, a threat i could worry about all night. Sure enough, one pulled up then backed out on cue.

I threw in the towel and moved the car to the back of the bathrooms in the car loop (I didn't bother boxing up the cats; they hate that, but not, apparently more than they hate air breaks). Now, it is dark, quiet, with the soothing sounds of sprinklers.

I'm going to take one more tourist stop tomorrow, then I'll be home.

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