Sunday, February 19, 2012

Anniversay weekend trip

Frozen fingers from adjusting the 4"x5" camera in the freezing wind at dawn.

S and I went up to Red Lodge this weekend to celebrate the anniversary of our engagement. It was great to spend time outside, hiking around, and taking pictures. I was able to re-take a couple images for the prison project that I wasn't happy with, which involved getting up at dawn and huddling in the freezing cold wind with the Polaroid up my shirt so it would develop (so I could see if I got the shot and could get back in the car!)

We saw hundreds of deer, everywhere. In yards, fields, on the road. They even seemed to want to come when called. There was also an impressive flock of turkeys in town S enjoyed chasing around. Having chased the Billings flock around myself, I let him do that while I stayed warm in the car.
There was a wonderful little cemetery in Bearcreek R recommended to me. There were a significant number of porcelain-photographs on the stones, and I enjoyed collecting images of them. There is something cheesy about those images... I wonder how you decide, of all the photos you might have of someone, which one do you want them to be remembered by. I think that is why most people wouldn't chose a photograph. It did make for an interesting walk though the graveyard on a Saturday afternoon.

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