Friday, February 10, 2012

to blog or not... probably not

I thought I would put in a post now, in the wee hours of the morning, before I can't. I mean, I could. But I probably won't.


I have loved posting lately. I always question the nature of my own blog. My topics fly around, like my own swarm of June-bug thoughts. It's an accurate self-portrait, if not a flattering one. But it helps me center my thoughts and focus on things that I like, things that make me smile later, or even act as mantras that things will be better.

But it is a fact that a blog is something that is done with spare time, and I suspect I will have none of that in the next week or three. Know that I will be happily enjoying my time with my sweetheart in town, or burying myself in my work, or reading the toddler-high stack of job applications I have to somehow make sense up in the next two weeks. Maybe I will even apply to a show or two.

For now, do something nice for yourself and a stranger. Let me know what you did.

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