Monday, April 30, 2012

Open House

Despite having a good offer and great, motivated buyer, we had an Open House yesterday. It was already scheduled, and not many people had the chance to see it yet. The second couple to show up turned out to be the sister and brother-in-law of the buyer. I've met the buyer twice now, and also her brother. Really nice people who really vibe with this house. I feel relaxed talking with them. When the buyer showed up later, I also hugged her. She said something funny, like, "I don't like all these people in my house!" I laughed and told her she should go eavesdrop, and if someone knocks the pink toilet, tell them to get out. Yesterday, during graduation, she and her parents came over to look at it too. Her sister said to me, that the parents said, "This is the perfect house. Do whatever it takes to get it." Then they also asked me to let them know if I was going to get rid of anything, because they love everything I've done and want first dibs on furniture/accessories.

So I'm feeling really good about this buyer and this sale. I am so glad to know the family, how nice, friendly and close they are, and how they like this house for what it is, like I did. And maybe I also like that they have that crazy-love for it that I did when I bought it (and still do).

Other good comments I over-/heard from Open House visitors:
  • "All the furniture and stuff comes with it, right?"
  • "I live down the street and have always loved this house."
  • "It's so cute!"
  • "It's so big!" (Usually, cute means small in real estate talk... so I find this funny.)
  • "You can't move. This house is YOU."
  • "DADDY!! PLEASE LIKE THIS HOUSE!" (Followed by the mom saying, "wow, this is the first one they've liked.")

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