Thursday, May 31, 2012

Curtains for Alice

I couldn't resist these curtains when I found them at an expensive antique shop in Indianapolis. I had planned on making pleated drapes with them for Alice. Wouldn't that be cute? And they are heavy enough to add some temperature shielding to the drafty windows. Alas, I was intimidated by making drapes and never did set up my sewing machine (it's still in the box from the move here). I have two or three full curtains, and extra fabric. Enough, actually, that I wonder if I shouldn't make curtains for a house instead, so I can enjoy them more often. Or I could make a matching table cloth and matching pillows.

I bought colorful vintage sheets and covered all of Alice's cushions with them. They are very busy and loud for the space, but added a much welcomed pop of color. They will also protect the upholstery from car sick kitties. I bought several sheet sets so I can rotate them, as needed, over the next month. Pictures will come later. Meanwhile, the fabulous bark-cloth curtains go back into a box.

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