Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Advice from the road: Part 2

Alice in Detroit, looking across the river at Canada

Alice with an Art house in the Heidelberg Project, Detroit MI
Happy Home made of Bottles, Michigan. 

Pack light. Space is in high demand with short supply. Less is more. Be honest: do you really need that? How many people will you really be serving coffee to at one time? Are you going to read all those books?

I have 2 nine inch wide, twelve inch deep kitchen drawers. Even so, I managed to reduce my kitchen utensils to one drawer (somehow, I've been traveling with THREE wooden spoons) and made the other a junk drawer. I dispose junk drawers, but it's a convenient place for lighters (for stove), ear plugs (when sleeping at truck stops, light tonight), pens and pencils, scissors, tape (I have painters tape in there, which sounds weird, but I have already used it once), and so on. I have a separate tool container, so absolutely no tools. That would be lazy. I have another "tool" box with even more pencils, watercolors, brushes, sharper scissors, rulers and what-all. Sometimes I use this stuff but mostly not. But if I don't have it, I want it and just re-buy it. 

I still see I have a vegetable peeler/apple corer. It's small, and has many uses, but I still haven't used one in years. Why is it in my trailer?

Bonus advice: if you see cheap gas, pull off and buy it. Even if you only get a little, in the long run, you'll save money. And you might see or meet some one/thing weird. 

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