Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sugar crash

You know how you aren't supposed to have candy when you're hungry, because you'll have a sugar crash? Or that thing that happens in the afternoon, when the coffee wears off? I think life has lots of little crashes. After a long, vigorous day of teaching, I come home, amped up, then within a few minutes feel all low. Exhibitions are like that too, though the more I have, the less painful it is. All the energy and effort and adrenaline, then crash, followed by, "what if I never make art again?"

And sometimes really great conversations are like that, all stimulating and trying to fit whole lives, biographies, theories, likes/dislikes, art making, art loving, traveling, blah blah into a few hours... then crash. Back to normal conversations about the everyday. Did you take out the trash? You better, because it might snow, and then you will have to dig your way to the trashcan.

Then while you're feeling crashed, you turn on your computer, and an artist you really like has committed suicide. And you meet with a student who suddenly announces she doesn't think she can take it any more. And you get an email that decisions were made about your job (and only your job) that you weren't a part of. And you think, darn. I don't think there is nearly enough chocolate and wine in the house to make up for this crash.

Here's to today being more stable.

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