Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trailer emptying

Torah enjoying his kingdom on
the pile of trailer cushions.

My hands are currently vibrating from all the sanding I've been doing. (Please forgive any type-os.)

I wasn't exactly methodical about emptying out the trailer last fall. True, all the dishes may as well have stayed in there (even if now I have to take them all out to wash), but the tiny bits and pieces that found their way into all the nooks and crannies is just silly.

Yesterday, I emptied out everything, removed the couch cushions (I would like to have new covers made... more on that later... and not until later!), took apart the cabinets and set about sanding them down. I was (over) confident this would be just like when I sanded down and painted my kitchen cabinets in California.

Then I remembered how every thing I did to my house in California led to six other things needing to be done, and three things breaking in the process that would need to be fixed.

The cabinet frames were clearly installed after being finished, and the walls were painted before anything was installed. There are tiny areas between appliances and cupboards and panels the sander/sanding black can't go. Some of the panels are solid, and some are sandwiched/layered birch plywood. The plywood has begun to separate in some places, so I have to pause and repair it as I go.

It's been a lot of work, as I knew it would (but pretended it wouldn't be). I'm now off to the basement to put the first coat of shellac on the cabinet doors, then off to sand with a lighter grit in the trailer itself.

I really wanted to go camping tomorrow night, so I am determined to get it put back together enough for an over-nighter in Shades State Park.

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