Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More fun, no time to blog

It makes me sad that I haven't had time to really write, but I have been having a lovely, if not rushed, trip. Today, I made an effort to not squeal at the site of every antique store. The birth of the Internet has lead to the death of the Epic Deals you used to (imagine you could?) be able to find in the remote parts of the country. All the better, because now, I am giving the Roadside Attraction its moment in the sun. This was something I thought had also died, but as we are currently off route 90, the freeway heading to Mount Rushmore (the destination of the traditional family roadtrip?), they seem to be cheesy, alive, and well. Makes sense too, since Mount Rushmore itself is pretty cheesy.
Last night, we camped on the Missouri River, a beautiful, bug filled site with an epic view.
Similar to last summer, I am trying to capture an essence of American landscape in photographs, a task I am humbled by daily. I am also continuing to photograph Alice near such things, a style that embraces the snapshot nature of the roadtrip. Overall, I am happy with the Roadside worthy things she is being captured with. Above is an abandoned museum sign. I've also photographed her in the Badlands, and by a large statue of a prairie dog!
New this summer... I am distributing my ceramic rabbits around the best of the stops. They are numbered, URLed, photographed with their number, location, and Alice. It's a bit time consuming, but it gets the rabbits out into the world, and gets the world some free roadside-worthy art.
Roadside Prairie Dog towns encourage the feeding of the little rodents (peanuts, a dollar a bag). Wild or not, plague-ridden or not, they are too tame for my taste. But I can get super cute pictures.
Last for the day was Badlands. As beautiful as those in North Dakota, possibly more dramatic.

Not really much commentary, but hey, you got a couple pictures. More than I've done so far! Escrow seems to be moving a little bit after chugging to a halt (and yes, my realtor decided it was too hard to do over the phone so wanted to stop working on it until next week, when I could be in town to help her with the papers). Tomorrow, we are heading to Custer to camp for three whole nights to see caves, Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and boil in some hot springs. Until later!

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