Monday, August 16, 2010

New curtains.

Remember those great* curtains in the dining room? I finished replacing them with heat/noise shielding red curtains, and cool new brushed-nickel rods (I know they don't match the chandelier, but I couldn't bring myself to get the brass ones--too shiny gold!).

Don't mind the mess.

What does one do with old-lady, lacy curtains?

Cat beds, of course.

Now comes the issue of the living room curtains.
Lori likes them, bless her, but they are too much for me. Of course, what I like is probably too much for lots of people. I'm thinking vintage:

The left is a yellow and white vertical stripe, lined with leaves and white petals. It has 2 complete panels, and the cut-up scraps of other panels. They could be reworked into two panels for the two windows, I think. $88.

The right is an ivory with brown leaves, yellow flowers, and green fronds. Two complete panels, and that's it, so I would have to put one on each side of the fireplace. It could work, or it could look sparse. $44.

I thought both looked nice and tied the room to the sunroom.

This pair has two sets of medium length panels and two wide top-window ruffle curtains (what are those... not cafe...). $36. I was thinking the greens, pinks and golds would be fun in master bathroom?

Or am I being too wacky? Votes?

*may not actually be true


  1. Left-pattern rocks (and even ties in the wall color directly; turquoise accent in there) and has spare fabric for whatever else you decide you want to make as accents.

    The bathroom choice for curtains seems to clash with your rug options... did I really just say all that. Sheesh. :D

    I am not a good voice for telling someone they are or are not too wacky. *grin*

  2. Hey! Don't buy too much stuff! =) The left pattern is absolutely the one to go with. The right side fabric looks too heavy in pattern & color. Be nice to those beautiful blue walls! If you don't want to purchase a new chandelier, you can always refinish it.
