Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Waiting on snowflakes

It's fall. This is the first time in my life I have to rake. I've done yard work, but somehow, raking was never an issue. Too many young trees, I guess. Now I have a number of half-century old trees, determined to mulch their leaves in my grass. I gave the yard a good raking a couple weeks ago, and the leaves from the sidewalk alone filled up my trashcan. I haven't bothered scooping up the other piles since, and of course, more have fallen and I have to start again anyway.

My students keep saying, "It's going to snow any day now," but it doesn't. It's been surprisingly nice, except for a few very cold nights, walking home from work. But this is mostly what I do. I rake, I walk to work, I work, I walk home. I drive my car maybe one day out of the week.

I remembered I would have growing pains in a new job, but forgot how painful they were, so mostly, I haven't had much to add here. I feel like I know where things are, and there is still more to discover, but I'm taking my time. Billings has been interesting so far; night spots are jumping, but haven't found any I'm crazy for yet.

The most interesting personal detail I have to share is I am trying to switch from being a coffee drinker to a tea drinker. I've adjusted to the caffeine drop (all the teas are herbal), but they aren't as satisfying as coffee. At least they count as water--been less dehydrated at my desk all day! So, I have Green tea, Detox tea, Nettle tea, Ginger tea (best mixed with something else), Mint Green tea, Peppermint tea, and a variety of traditional western teas (all those berry flavors).

I haven't worked on the house in a while. I spend most of my home time in my Master Suite, since it has it's own heater (I am guessing it is cheaper to heat the bedroom to where I want than the other 2000 square feet). I finally have a full set of furniture in here. Other than changing the paint color (still hate this color; still shocked the stupid realtor thought painting the ceiling was a good idea), assembling the headboard, making/buying/hanging curtains and hanging wall art, it's near done.

I'm proud of my Haywood Wakefield dresser set. It looks fabulous, no?
A cowboys-indians 1950s toy chest is my coffee/tea table right now. I'm still debating about getting a t.v. for this corner, so I can hook up my Wii to play Mario... I mean use my Wii Fiit.

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