Sunday, April 22, 2012

Punch you in the face

Cleaning out closets and filing drawers. Hey, that's were my tax receipts went. So much for those write offs. And here is that $500 health reimbursement check I lost. Hm, expired. Hopefully they will cut me a new one. Here are notes I don't recognize at all, though I know what the sketches in the margins reference. And a Polaroid I think I took, but now I'm not sure. My light meter remains missing, which irritates me!

Open another box of prints (why are these ones here and not with the others in the hall?) and I get a jolt seeing a photo of my dad and grandma at her last Christmas, waving at the fireman Santa as the fire engine drives by, the rookies distributing sacks of peanuts and apples to the kids and my grandma.

Stupid little traditions that I've lost stab me in the eye.

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