Monday, May 28, 2012

Packing, part seventy-five

I think about packing a lot. And the road trip. And how long each leg of the trip will take. And then about packing again. Steps that are rarely discussed in books:
  • when do you strip the bed and pack the sheets, sleeping with nothing? (Packing the morning of the movers sounds stressful)
  • when do you do the last load of laundry (no more changing clothes for you, until we get there!)
  • when can you eat the last meal (I keep washing dishes, drying them, then packing them; finding new dishes, using them, washing them, drying them, then packing them; when does it end?)
  • what book will you read on the road (seriously, you won't read that many... or will you?)
  • what is too valuable to trust in the moving trailer? what is too valuable to trust in the travel trailer?
  • how much bedding will I need? It will be hot in most of the places I'm going, but what if the cat gets sick again?
There are some places I definitely want to camp. They are already booked most of the month, except for a couple days that will work perfectly. But I have to commit to those days now. How will I know how fast and far I will travel?

Will the movers be offended if I fill the truck up with boxes before they arrive, because I can't stand the stacks cluttering my house? How am I supposed to pack with all these boxes lying around??!

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