Sunday, May 27, 2012

Packing, part thirty-four.

I feel like I've packed a million boxes, but it really hasn't been that many. The crux of it is how many left there are to pack. Or what goes in what box. For example, I recently bought a LOT of fancy pillows (from Cost Plus, World Market). Do they get spread out in small heavy boxes, or get their own, giant box? These are the questions that lead me to do silly things, like play all my records to see if I want to keep them all. I've also tried on ALL my clothes (yep, all of them). I have 3 trash bags to take to Goodwill. I have a whole mountain of china and nick-nacks, and a mental list of all the furniture that will be put out for a garage sale next weekend.

How do you pack yard tools? They are long, pointy, and heavy... should they go in a box? Is wrapping them in saran wrap together enough?

How long do you keep early career, bad art? Especially ceramic sculpture.

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