Saturday, May 19, 2012


All the contingencies are signed off. I can officially say with confidence the house is sold. The last time I wrote about the buyer, she ended up backing out when she really looked at the kind of care a large house and property needed, and the next offer came quickly on her heels from a younger couple who will be able to take care of and grow into this house together.

My moving truck is coming in 10 days. TEN DAYS!!! And so we have begun to pack. The birds are packed. The books (in the house) are packed. The pots and pans are packed (except the one going to the trailer). Soon, I will pull a limited summer wardrobe from my closet, discard the crappy clothes I hate and haven't worn since I moved here, and pack all my clothes and shoes. The office filing and supply drawers are packed. The cameras are not (how many DO I need to take on the road with me?).

I've started a garage sale pile. I am including things I love but realize don't travel well, or I don't love as much as other things. There is a certain amount of excess I allowed myself to acquire, because hey, I had 3 full vintage bathrooms to decorate with birds! Among that pile is my beautiful 1920s couch. It is hand-carved, surprisingly sturdy and comfortable, but in a rational world, it will not fit into a rental with my two other couches. I'm also getting rid of the slipper chairs I bought in California for $200 each, because the green velveteen chairs I bought for $35 at the thrift shop are more comfortable.

Other things I am surprised I am parting with:
  • My dining room table (but not the chairs). I bought a pine table since then that I like more (and it has leaves, so can seat more).
  • My antique writing table. I used it for typewriting for a while... but it's a little high to type comfortably. 
  • My easel. Even though it was a nice and expensive model, I just don't paint, so it's going to go.
  • Some of my camera collection. It's just too much.
  • Some of my darkroom stuff... again, too much.
  • My grandma's china. It just isn't me. Which is weird, because I love all mid-century stuff. But this stuff is too pretty and simple. I want pretty and over the top, or minimal and simple. It's in the grey zone I'm not crazy about.

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