Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beautiful, distracting things

I got it in my head it would be better to tear out the images I liked from my wedding magazines, rather than moving them. These are the insane kind of decisions one makes when one is packing, procrastination, and packing.

I tore out a big pile of pictures over three hours, set half of my wedding magazine pile on my garage sale pile, and the other half, I couldn't bear to tear up. From the pictures though, I have started to have an understanding of the kind of wedding I might picture for myself and, not surprisingly, it looks a lot like my house: eclectic, colorful, and vintage. I found the above tiara on eBay (link is on the picture)... and, oh, how i covet it.


  1. The tiara is for me to wear, right? :D

    1. No, it's for me. It's all about me at the wedding! It's tradition!
