Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week end projects

S finished painting the floor. Now the house smells like paint, not pee!

We finished pulling all the staples!

I did intangible things, like scrubbing the black film off the banister. Is that 50 years of grim I just liberated? It is an intangible victory. No one will come in and say, "OMG, I love what you've done with those oak banisters!

Same with the entryway grout. Clean (right) versus before (left). I haven't finished it yet, because it involved hands-n-knees scrubbing, but wow, what a difference.

We ran a cleaner through the dishwasher, then tested it on some vintage glasses. Sparkley!

Still, I am missing decorating for holidays. I love that. So I put up this festive print I found (only $3.95) with ACTUAL glitter on it!

S really wanted a Real Wreath in the house, to add a piny smell. It can't compete with the paint, but it is a beautiful green against our paneling. I added a lucky elf to it too.

We got the bedroom ceiling painted (more on that later) and the walls primed. I still have a fantasy I can paint 2 coats of gray before Thursday when the floor guy comes...

1 comment:

  1. Feels like we've done so much more... BUT it is coming together!
