Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hot Mess

My nod to Kenneth Josephson in this morning's frost.

I took these pictures and am posting them, even though NO ONE would want to remember and reminisce about this part. But all memories are good reminders, I think, so here they are.

I can't even begin to grasp the piles of boxes and where they will be unloaded to. And many of the areas where they will be going still need flooring installed, which means the boxes can't be unpacked AND will have to be moved by next week to... Somewhere. I would give anything to be Harry Potter and be able to levitate stuff. Any efforts I make to stacking the boxes more neatly immediately makes me have a sever reaction that they might stay that way, so I should leave them un-neat to encourage unpacking.

There are towers of boxes filling our den/family room, and no flooring installation date in sight--even though we know the materials will be in next week. I DO NOT recommend Home Depot for flooring installation. :P

Some of the furniture jammed in those piles will go upstairs to the living room, which is due to have carpet installed next Wednesday. ("Oh, you want to have the material that we already have in stock installed separately from the material that has been delayed indefinitely? That will be $45 extra. Sorry for the inconvenience of charging you $8K a month ago for the carpet, by the way. And no, we won't wave that $45 charge.") The rest of the boxes are for our offices and our guest room. My office had a touch-up on the wood, so has to wait till this weekend to receive Stuff. But it's getting better.

We found S a vintage oak "executive" desk, temporarily seen here, in the den. Along with the laundry (which couldn't be done until the electrician changed the socket). The tv corner with accompanying couches has been functional. Watching "Miracle on 34th Street" has been a nice escape from the madness.

You can see my one strand of lights on that window, my attempt at festive without making more clutter.

I couldn't resist the poinsettia though. And a Christmas cactus. So much color!

Here's to unpacking!


  1. Cats don't belong on tables. Only deer. Mom

    1. When there is enough chaos, moving a cat seems inconsequential!
