Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring break, third inning.

Perhaps today didn't look as productive as other days, but it was. It really was. Totally. Don't doubt. But maybe not in clear and present ways. And I'm letting that be ok.

Let's see, I got domestic things done. A couple days ago, I cleaned a rug and laid it out under some furniture (involving multiple steps, like moving the furniture, vacuuming the rug, then moving the furniture back!); today, I cleared some clutter around that area and put down a cozy table cloth. Let's forget the first thing I noticed was it needed to be ironed and I didn't do that... Then I cleared some clutter in the kitchen, which included finding a bill S hadn't opened, revealing three months of auto-charges for cable at our last apartment we cancelled. Found money!

Also Replanted a couple house plants, cleaned the kitchen counter of crumbs, dust, and mail. It still isn't clear. The thing I might hate most about being an adult is the paperwork. I don't mind the bills, but the paperwork and the filing... It really gets to me. Hence why yesterday I was focused on (trying) to close bank accounts. Maybe this summer I'll tackle trying to merge all my retirement accounts. Fewer statements, the calmer I'll be.

A major victory was cleaning the two tiny drawers in the master bathroom. As beautiful as our house is, and easy as the layout and flow are, there were odd decisions made that I associate with a small-town male-centric architect, as I picture our home's builder and first owner. Things like putting the restrooms as far from the kitchen as possible (because who is thinking of the little lady having a bladder in the 60s when she should be working on that pot roast?). Another is a large bathroom with two tiny drawers and no medicine cabinet. Really? Gonna just lay all those pill bottles on their sides with your tooth brushes?

Anyway, the drawers have what I assume is the original paper liner, a pink and gold geometric pattern. It's terribly installed, which could lead me to conclude our architect was punishing his wife for that pot roast. And dirty... Like 15 years of dirty. So our stuff has been on the counter all this time.

This is boring, isn't it? I'm really writing a post about bathroom drawers. Sigh. May as well finish it off.

So, they're clean now. Vintage lining isn't perfect but it's dirt, hair, and germ free. The stuff is in the drawers, allowing me to clean the countertop for the first time for really. Fancy. Not all the bathroom stuff has a home yet. A box's worth still on my dresser, with no place to go. Drawers and under-sink full. But we're getting there.

Otherwise, I didn't leave the house and I watched almost a whole season of West Wing while cutting up magazines while trying to channel a crazy person. More on that later.

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