Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tis better to have loved

I have been preparing to sell my house with many mixed emotions. In some ways, it is my dream house, and in other ways, it is too much for me to handle. Not just the cleaning, but the yard, the maintenance, the caring of vintage architecture. It is a decision that I did not make lightly, and still have moments of panic about. But it is ultimately the best and right decision for where I want to be in my life.

But with those significant decisions, Fate likes to test your spirit. Not the decision, but the strength of the person making it.

I am still reeling from hearing the city will be moving to charge me $10,000 to replace the sidewalk in front of my house (i.e. in front of my property line). There is nothing I can do to stop it. I am already heartbroken at the financial hit selling my house and moving will cost me. But as I said, it is the right decision.

But Fate wants to make sure I am strong enough to make it, I guess.

Kristen S. Wilkins
Assistant Professor of Art

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