Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Road Trip

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The moving company I hired pulled up in front of my house this morning. I went into a panic, double-checked my email confirmation, and then wondered why they were a week early. Eventually, the guy unloaded something to the house across the street, got back in the truck, and drove away, but the coincidence was not lost on me.

One week from today, movers are showing up at my house.

I have lots of stuff packed... but not really ready for movers. I don't know why. It's almost like all the boxes make it so you can't see the stuff you need to pack. They give you a false sense of accomplishment that you are farther along than you are. What about all the boxes in the basement that need to be repacked? What about all that crap in the garage? What about the stuff I decide to sell at the garage sale? It's an extra problem I'm having the sale after... what if I change my mind about something?


Above is the route I'm planning. You'll notice I will be going to Western Montana first, to finish 2 more prison photos. Then Idaho and Wyoming. Then a whole string of states Alice has never been to: Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Kansas. Then the states I never take pictures in (I don't know why): Missouri, Illinois. Then into the destination state.

1 comment:

  1. Because Illinois is boring to drive through... *grin*
