Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stars in your eyes and stripes at your feet

Owning a house is such an illicit love affair. It can be irrational, intense, heart breaking. It can keep you up at night, filled with excitement and longing.

Then there is reality.

How useless to buy a house right before the densest cluster of holidays. I used to think house sales were higher in the summer because of the school year. Not so. It's because in the summer, you can schedule a plumber and a roofer without fear they will take a vacation in the middle of your job.

Not that I've been able to schedule a plumber or roofer.

There is a mighty list of must-be-dones for the house. I already mentioned the plumbing and roof. We already took care of the heater, water heater, AC, and sump pump (mom, that's the thing that keeps the water out of the basement). We pulled up 1000 pounds of urine soaked carpet and padding (yes, we weighed it). Slowly, the smell is fading. Other things on the must-be-done list, I begin to doubt; maybe they belong on the get-to-it-soon list. Do we need to have the wood floors refinished before moving in, or can we suffer through that while living here? Can we occupy one nice room, then paint the others and spread into them? After all, our family room is the size of out whole apartment right now.

Under the lower-level carpet was a crazy, red-white-green striped linoleum floor. We called it the circus floor. We said, there's no way we can live with this. But there are only so many times you can clean something (to try to get out the smell) before you grow attached to it. And now we are going to salvage part of it. Hooray! Plus, it saves us money!

More images to come.

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